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Jojoba Oil Beads
I’m a natural exfoliant that helps remove dead skin cells and nourish skin.
Technical Term
Hydrogenated Jojoba Oil
Ingredient Class
Sidekick Ingredients
I’m a sidekick: I help assist active ingredients by enriching different formulas to make them even more awesome.
I naturally exfoliate skin and help lock in moisture to keep it feeling hydrated & smooth.
How I'm made
I appear as tiny, waxy spherically-shaped beads, which are made from hardening Jojoba Seed Oil: it’s derived from the seeds of the shrubby Jojoba plant, which is native to Arizona and California.
How I work
I gently remove dead skin cells, since my waxy beads are softly abrasive without being too rough: as a natural emollient, I help lock in moisture to keep skin nourished and hydrated. I’ll leave you feeling super smooth, like a perfect pancake: find me in the Lazy Days Face Mask.
Fun fact
Jojoba oil beads are smooth and gentle: I’m 100% natural, biodegradable and I contain no microplastics.