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Welcome to our ingredients database
Explore the good stuff inside
Welcome to our ingredients database
Explore the good stuff inside

Potassium Sorbate
I’m a preservative that helps make sure Allkinds products last and stay awesome.
Technical Term
Potassium Sorbate
Ingredient Class
Supportive ingredient
I’m a supporter: I help make sure formulas feel and work just right.
I’m a preservative: I make sure formulas last.
How I'm made
I’m the potassium salt of sorbic acid, which is a natural compound found in berries of the Mountain Ash Tree.
How I work
I help prevent the growth of microorganisms with my naturally preservative powers.
Fun fact
I’m a common ingredient in cheese, baked goods, juice, and pickled products: don’t eat any Allkinds products that I’m in though, K?