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Welcome to our ingredients database
Explore the good stuff inside
Welcome to our ingredients database
Explore the good stuff inside

Sodium Bicarbonate
You might know me as ‘baking soda’: I’m simply the stuff that makes bath bombs fizzy and fun.
Technical Term
Sodium Bicarbonate
Ingredient Class
Supportive ingredient
I’m a supporter: I help make sure formulas feel and work just right.
How I'm made
I occur naturally in natron, a deposit that forms in salt lake beds: usually, though, I’m manufactured through a mixing called the ‘solvay process.’ Pretty cool.
How I work
I’m used to give bath bombs their firm, solid shape (and their fun fizziness). When mixed with Citric Acid, I form a hard base that reacts when it hits your bath water: together, we release carbon dioxide, which you see in the form of air bubbles. In addition to being fun to watch, that process helps diffuse all of the bath bomb’s moisturising, nice-smelling ingredients into your bath water
Where you can find me
Not to brag, but I’m in literally every awesome Allkinds Bath Bomb.