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Explore the good stuff inside
Welcome to our ingredients database
Explore the good stuff inside
Welcome to our ingredients database
Explore the good stuff inside

I’m actually a smell: when I’m paired with natural sweetener, you feel like you’re enjoying a very tasty treat—even though it’s just a food-safe aroma. Cool, right?
Technical Term
Ingredient Class
Sidekick Ingredients
I’m a sidekick: I help assist active ingredients by enriching different formulas to make them even more awesome.
I help to create the nice taste of Allkinds lip products.
How I'm made
All the Allkinds forms of me are naturally-derived.
How I work
I’m basically a biological magic trick: I’m actually a food-safe blend of oils that creates a certain smell. Because your senses of smell and taste are so connected, I can join forces with Stevia—a 100% natural sweetener—in Allkinds lip products, so that when you lick your lips, you feel like you’re getting a taste of something delicious (even though it’s really just a little sweetener and a nice, 100% natural smell). Far out.