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Welcome to our ingredients database
Explore the good stuff inside
Welcome to our ingredients database
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Stearic Acid
I make oil and water play nice, so they don’t separate: I help create creams, moisturisers, and other rich formulas.
Technical Term
Stearic Acid
Ingredient Class
Supportive ingredient
I’m a supporter: I help make sure formulas feel and work just right.
I help stabilise creams, moisturisers, and other products that contain oil and water.
How I'm made
I’m derived from stuff like palm and coconuts.
How I work
I’m an emulsifier, which is a fancy way to say that I stabilise mixtures that contain oil and water (so they don’t separate). Those ‘mixtures’ include most creams and lotions: I make sure they look smooth while they help keep your skin feeling awesome. I’m a major component of cocoa and shea butter.