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Welcome to our ingredients database
Explore the good stuff inside
Welcome to our ingredients database
Explore the good stuff inside

Sugar Beet Extract
I’m a naturally moisturising extract derived from beets.
Technical Term
Ingredient Class
Hero Ingredients
I’m an essential active ingredient that powers a bunch of cool products.
I help to balance and maintain skin’s natural moisture barrier.
How I'm made
I’m naturally found in and derived from Sugar Beets.
How I work
I simply can’t be beat: I help to strengthen and maintain skin's natural moisture barrier for smoother, softer skin. I help skin retain hydration and remained balanced, so it feels Allkinds of healthy.
Fun fact
I’m familiar: I’m a naturally occurring amino acid in the skin and body, which means I’m part of you, too. Far out.
Where you can find me
I’m Allkinds of all over the place: find me keeping your skin happy in Classic Care Cleanser and Moisturiser—I also help do awesome stuff for your hair in the Oil Bust Shampoo.