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Welcome to our ingredients database
Explore the good stuff inside
Welcome to our ingredients database
Explore the good stuff inside

Green Tea
I’m an antioxidant-filled, skin-soothing powerhouse that helps calm inflammation and keep skin healthy.
Technical Term
Camellia Sinensis (Green Tea) Leaf Extract
Ingredient Class
Hero Ingredients
I’m an essential active ingredient that powers a bunch of cool products.
I’m anti-inflammatory and restorative: I help keep skin happy, healthy, and hydrated.
How I'm made
I’m naturally extracted from the Green Tea plant, A.K.A. Camellia Sinensis.
How I work
As a rich source of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants such as Vitamin C and Vitamin E, I help soothe skin, calm irritation, and reduce redness & inflammation: I make sure skin can keep repairing itself. I also help block bacteria and remove dead skin cells, so you feel fresh. Overall, I’m great at restoring skin and protecting it from damage over time.
Fun fact
Epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG) is one of the active parts of my chemical composition, which many believe is responsible for my healing powers: for skin and as a tea you can drink.
Where you can find me
I’m Allkinds of all over the place: find me keeping your hair & skin happyacross our Superfresh range and also in our Oil Bust hair range.