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Welcome to our ingredients database
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Welcome to our ingredients database
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Coltsfoot Leaf Extract
I’m a mineral, protein-rich extract that helps to protect and fortify hair.
Technical Term
Tussilago Farfara (Coltsfoot) Leaf Extract
Ingredient Class
Sidekick Ingredients
I’m a sidekick: I help assist active ingredients by enriching different formulas to make them even more awesome.
I help to fortify and protect hair, so strands feel smooth & healthy.
How I'm made
I’m naturally extracted from the Coltsfoot flower, which is a member of the daisy family.
How I work
I’m rich with minerals and plant proteins, which can help to fortify hair so it can resist damage and feel more strong & healthy. I can also help hair feel softer and appear more shiny & smooth.
Where you can find me
I’m Allkinds of all over the place: find me keeping your hair happy in a bunch of awesome Hair Helpers products.